Friday, October 30, 2009

Invitation for the Shuffle Gallery Exhibition

I know that it is still a few months from now, but please save the date! Here is the invitation I received today:

Hello Artists and Friends,

I am curating a group show at Hibbleton Gallery and am excited to extend an invitation to you to participate in this exciting event. Attached is a synopsis of the show details as well as the gallery contract. Please read over in detail and consider if this is a project you would be excited about being a part of.

The show is February 12th, 2010, and is called SHUFFLE. It will include an OPENING EXHIBITION, which will feature finished works by a variety of professional artists. Each work will correspond to a song chosen by the artist to be represented through the medium of their choice. The title of the song of choice will be the title of the piece. (ie. "Beat it: Michael Jackson", By John Smith). Each work will be in the suggested size of either a vinyl album cover (12" x 12"), vinyl single, (7" x 7") or cd cover (5" x 5"). The content/Representation is up to the artist. I have personally selected artists that I feel truly convey the spirit of the show I'm hoping to create.

Please get back to me when you can, so I can lock down my list of artists. Please include your Name, Contact Information, as well as some type of recognition that you are committed to this show and the conditions listed. This is going to be an amazing event, and I hope you will all choose to be a part of it. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know!!!


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