Well, I've given it some serious thought, and I have decided to abandon the Phantom mold. After making over a hundred, I've run into so many problems with it that it's just more trouble than it's worth. For every ten that come out perfectly, there are 30 that are junk. Being a perfectionist, I just can't (and won't) let these get into anyone's hands. I will just consider it a sunk cost.
The good news is that I intend to learn from this experience, and expect to have a new improved Phantom sculpt out in the near future (possibly with a new name). Not only that, but many, many other new figure sculpts (all in different colorways) in the line as well. The thought of this is very exciting, and I can't wait to start, but not until after I complete my current illustration project first (one thing at a time)!
Also, for those of you that nabbed one of the earlier Phantom figures...consider yourself lucky. Not only were those made in extremely limited numbers, but that sculpt will never be used again.
See you soon!